List of Flux 2023 new features

New features dealing with Meshing

New features Description
New Mesher

"Altair Solid Meshing Library" (ASML)

The ASML Mesher (Altair Solid Meshing Library) is a volume mesher which is the proprietary of Altair. This is a mesher of volume mesh starting from a surface mesh. Including ASML allows to generate tetrahedral mesh of volume from a mesh of surface triangular like the module MeshGems-Tetra (which is not the proprietary of Altair).

The ASML mesher was integrated in Flux 2023. It is intended to replace the MeshGems mesher in the long term. The MeshGems mesh generator will disappear in a future version. For this Flux 2023 release, the both meshers can be used, the default mesher is always MeshGems. You can configure the volume mesher in Tools > Geometry and Mesh options > Edit.

New features dealing with Physics

New features Description
New tools for reusing magnet materials after demagnetization

In its new 2023 version, Flux provides users with a new set of complementary data exchange tools that simplify the transfer of magnet materials between projects. These tools, when used together with a material described by a B(H) magnetic property of type Nonlinear magnet described by Hc and Br module, allow users to simulate a device under different magnetization states of its permanent magnets (i.e., before and after being subjected to a demagnetization).

Convert deprecated Bertotti into Modified Bertotti parameters Until version 2022.3, Flux used to provide models for the computation of iron losses that were labeled as “deprecated” (Bertotti and LS). In Flux 2023, these legacy models ceased to be available through the GUI and are now considered completely superseded, since they were less accurate and led to longer computation times.

New features dealing with Solving

New features Description
Parametric Distribution in Flux Skew

In version 2023, parametric distribution becomes available for all applications in Flux Skew. This feature, which was already available for the other modules, enables users to solve projects faster by running multiple Flux instances simultaneously and by taking advantage of an optimal number of processor cores. Remark that the distribution of geometrical parameters is not yet possible in Flux Skew, but now users may speedup their resolution times when solving scenarios with Physical and Mechanical Set parameters. The picture below shows the time reduction observed in Flux Skew for a project representing an inducton machine and containing three Physical parameters (Bar resistivity, Voltage RMS and Slip), leading to 36 parametric steps.

New features dealing with Flux e-Machine Toolbox ( FEMT)

New features Description
Separation of Rotor iron losses and Stator iron losses From FEMT 2023 release, there are three map computed and displayed:
  • Rotor iron losses
  • Stator iron losses
  • Total iron losses (Rotor + Stator)
Note: no available with fast mode "MTPA fast" and "MTPV fast" (iron losses are not computed)
Modification of scales

From FEMT 2023 release, it's possible to modify the scales of all maps:

  • graphically
  • manually
X Factor

X Factor allows the user to adjust the iron losses to its measurement and recompute the efficiency of its motor with a better accuracy. The X Factor is an float value by which the iron losses amplitude is multiplied.

The X Factor is accessible :

  • before solving: in the Input Parameter
  • after solving: in Post process with new command
The X factor is only applied to Iron losses. The maps impacted are:
  • Iron Losses (Rotor + Stator) in Torque-Speed Area
  • Rotor Iron Losses in Torque-Speed Area
  • Stator Iron Losses in Torque-Speed Area
  • Total Losses in Torque-Speed Area (including Iron Losses)
Note: The iron losses are computed with MTPV and MTPA modes and no with MTPA Fast and MTPV Fast modes.

With MTPA Fast and MTPV Fast modes, the X factor is not available.

Mat file Export for System Analysis (PSIM/Activate)

A new type of Export is available in FEMT: *.mat format to export Lookup tables for PSIM or Activate Altair software.

Note: The LUT computation is only available with Fast Mode Computation.

Updated/New examples


2D AN : Single Phase Induction Machine (update)

Documentation correction : Add one page to show what happens when you reach steady state

3D AN : Power Transformer 3D (update)

Update step by step document

Add a missing python to build non-meshed coil

3D AN : Linear Actuator (update)

Correct XML because Blue Dot names were incorrect: Add 2 lines in Case 2 Activate Project

3D AN : AFIR Thermal (update)

There were some differences between the result obtain by the execution of the python script and the result in the document.

Update of several examples: iron losses method (update)

Modification of 7 examples to change the method used for iron losses modeling (the legacy method used in these examples has been removed):








Update of examples using the macro BertottiIronLossesVsSlipAcIm (update)

Update of examples that uses BertottiIronLossesVsSlipAcIm macroModification of 4 examples Cases to change the method used for iron losses modeling (the legacy method used in these examples has been removed):

Ex2D_TT_InductionMotorWithOverlay Case 2

ExSW_TT_InductionMotorWithSkew Case 2



Updated/New "How to" document

Updated / New "How to" documents

HowTo_DistributionAndParallelization (Update)

The structure of this document has been improved by giving:
  • An overview of how to speed up your solving
  • General information and recommendations on solver parallelization
  • General information and an application example of parametric distribution
  • Information on how to parallelize the solving or set up a parametric distribution on a single machine
  • Information on solver parallelization and parametric distribution on a cluster through a scheduler such as PBS

In addition, recommendations in terms of number of cores, linear solver and estimated memory requirements for efficient solver parallelization have been updated.

HowTo_ConvertDeprecatedBertottiToModifiedBertotti (New)

A new How-to document has been integrated in the user guide and explains how to convert the parameters of the deprecated Bertotti model to the currently available Modified Bertotti model and get similar results.
Note: To consult the "How to" documents, please click on the following link: "How to" Documents

Updated/New macros

Several macros has been added or updated. For more details, please consult the following link: Flux 2023: New and Updated Macros
Updated / New macros

LUT_4SystemAnalysis_nphases (new)

3 new macros (2D, 3D and Skew).

Look Up Table computation for Poly-phases motor

Outputs are formatted for system analysis in PSIM and Activate

MeshingForShapeOptim (new)

This macro can be used to generate meshes suitable for free-shape optimization problems.
CreateFluxMotorInnerMagnetWithGeometricParameter.PFM (new)

Create Excel file for FluxMotor, keeping geometric parameters used in points definition

Update macros with new iron loss model (update)



Find_Rotor_Angle_Skew (update)

Used to working in Homogeneous skew. Now works in Step Skew.