FEMT 2023: Modification of scales


Since FEMT 2023, it is possible to modify the scales of all efficiency maps:

  • graphically
  • manually

Steps for graphical modification of scales

  1. Click on
  2. On the efficiency map, do a rectangle selection

    → Map rebuilding takes a few seconds

    → Recomputed efficiency maps are updated

    Before modification After modification
    → Values are updated

Steps for manual modification of scales

  1. Edit the value you want to modify

  2. Modify the wished value and validate with the Enter key

  3. Edit and Modify other values if you want

  4. Validate all modifications by clicking on

    → Map rebuilding takes a few seconds

    → Recomputed efficiency maps are updated

    Before modification After modification


Important: The modification is applied to all displayed efficiency maps.
Note: After modification, it is possible to reset the scale values by clicking on
Note: These modifications are only taken into account when displaying efficiency maps. The new values are not taken into account when exporting a test.