Math Functions in POSTFEKO

View the list of supported math functions.

Shortcut Key Description
ABS Absolute value
ARCCOS Arccosine (radians)
ARCCOT Arccotangent (radians)
ARCSIN Arcsine (radians)
ARCTAN Arctangent (radians)

Arctangent of Y/X in the range -PI to PI

Syntax: ATAN2(X,Y)

CEIL Smallest integer value that is equal or greater than the argument
COS Cosine (radians)
COSH Hyperbolic cosine (radians)
COT Cotangent (Radians)

Polynomial derivative of a function

Syntax: DD(function)

Example: DD(trace1) where trace1 is a trace in the result palette.

DEG Convert radians to degrees
EXP Exponential function

Fast Fourier transforms of a real function. The bandwidth can be provided as additional argument.

Syntax: FFT(a,[,bandwidth])

Example: FFT(U_re, 1e3) where U_re is a trace in the result palette.

FLOOR Largest integer value that is equal to or smaller than the argument

Resulting reminder of a/b.

Syntax: FMOD(a, b)


Inverse Fast Fourier transform of a complex function. The resulting range can be specified as additional argument.

Syntax: IFFT(a[,T])

Example: IFFT((U_re)*w+i*(U_im)*w,1e-3) where U_re, U_im and w are traces in the result palette.

IMAG Determines the imaginary component

Computes the natural logarithm

Syntax: LN(a)

Example: LN(trace1) where trace1 is a trace in the result palette.

LOG Computes logarithm base 10

Returns the largest of the two arguments

Syntax: MAX(a, b)


Returns the smallest of the two arguments

Syntax: MIN(a, b)


Normalise a function


Example: NORM(trace1 + trace2) where trace1 and trace2 are traces in the result palette.


Creates a list of points with a constant value 1

Syntax: ONES(from, to, samplePoints)


Returns the peak value in the given range of values

Syntax: PEAK(a)

Example: trace1*PEAK(trace2) where trace1 and trace2 are traces in the result palette.

PHASE Determines the phase
RAD Convert degrees to radians

Ramp function

Syntax: RAMP(from, to, samplePoints)

Example: RAMP(0,1e-3,2001)

REAL Determines the real component
SELF A reference to the current trace
SIN Sine (Radians)
SINH Hyperbolic sine (Radians)
SQRT Square root

Step function

Syntax: STEP(X) = 0 for X <= 0 and STEP(X) = 1 for X > 0

TAN Tangent (Radians)
TANH Hyperbolic tangent (radians)

Creates a list of points with a constant value of 0

Syntax: ZEROS(from, to, samplePoints)

Predefined Variables

Table 1. List of predefined variables.
Variable Description
i Imaginary unit
j Imaginary unit
c0 The speed of light in free space in m/sec.
eps0 The permittivity of free space in F/m.
mu0 The permeability of free space in H/m.
pi The mathematical constant (Ludolph’s number).
zf0 The characteristic impedance of free space in Ohm.