Creating a Monopole

Create a monopole antenna as a single line element with a local wire radius. Zoom to extents and hide the main axes to view the full-length monopole in the 3D view.

Create the monopole antenna. The length of the monopole is 12 m along the Z axis.
  1. Create a line.
    1. On the Construct tab, in the Create Curve group, click the  Line icon.
    2. On the Create Line dialog, enter the start point and end point for the line.
      • Start point: (0, 0, 0)
      • End point: (0, 0, 12)
      Note: Default values are used on geometry creation dialogs to allow a preview in the 3D view. You may change the values as required.
      Figure 1. The Create Line dialog.

  2. Set the label to Monopole.
  3. Click Create to create the line and close the dialog.
To view the full-length monopole in the 3D window, zoom the monopole to the window extent.
  1. Zoom to extents of the 3D view using one of the following workflows:
    • On the View tab, in the Zoom group, click the  Zoom to extents icon.
    • Press F5 to use the keyboard shortcut.
Disable the main axes to view the monopole without the Z axis obstructing it.
  1. On the 3D View context tab, on the Display Options tab, in the Axes group, click the  Main Axes icon.
  2. Repeat Step 5 to enable the main axes display.