Creating the Model

Create the model in CADFEKO. Define any ports and sources required for the model. Specify the operating frequency or frequency range for the model.

  1. Use the model from S-Parameter Coupling in a Stepped Waveguide Section (MoM).
  2. Delete the waveguide ports.
  3. Create a dielectric medium:
    • Label: air
    • Relative permittivity: 1
  4. Set the Region medium of the waveguide to air.
    Note: The FEM solver uses tetrahedral volume meshing. To mesh the volume of the waveguide into tetrahedra, a dielectric of air is created.
  5. Change the solver to use the FEM.
    Tip: Open the Modify Region dialog and click the Solution tab. From the Solution method drop-down list, select Finite Element Method (FEM).
  6. Create FEM modal ports on the faces for FEMModalPort1 and FEMModalPort2.
  7. Set all the faces of the model, except the port faces, to PEC.
    Note: FEM modal port faces must be of the dielectric type.