Creating the Model
Create the model in CADFEKO. Define any ports and sources required for the model. Specify the operating frequency or frequency range for the model.
- Use the model from S-Parameter Coupling in a Stepped Waveguide Section (MoM).
- Delete the waveguide ports.
Create a dielectric medium:
- Label: air
- Relative permittivity: 1
Set the Region medium of the waveguide to
Note: The FEM solver uses tetrahedral volume meshing. To mesh the volume of the waveguide into tetrahedra, a dielectric of air is created.
Change the solver to use the FEM.
Tip: Open the Modify Region dialog and click the Solution tab. From the Solution method drop-down list, select Finite Element Method (FEM).
- Create FEM modal ports on the faces for FEMModalPort1 and FEMModalPort2.
Set all the faces of the model, except the port faces, to PEC.
Note: FEM modal port faces must be of the dielectric type.