Viewing the Results

View and post-process the results in POSTFEKO.

  1. View the total gain (in dB) in a vertical cut of the requested far field pattern using a polar plot.
    Figure 1. A polar plot of the far field gain (dB) in a vertical cut at 75 MHz viewed in POSTFEKO.

  2. View the 3D gain pattern in the 3D view in POSTFEKO.
    Figure 2. A 3D plot of the antenna gain in POSTFEKO.

Hide the far fields in the 3D view.
  1. View the currents on the finite ground plane.
    Figure 3. 3D view of the currents on the ground plane in POSTFEKO.

  2. View the phase variation of the currents using animation.
    Tip: On the Animate tab, in the Control group, click the Play icon.