Viewing the Results

View and post-process the results in POSTFEKO.

  1. View the gain (in dB) of the requested far field pattern using a polar plot.
    1. On the Display tab, in the Axes group, click Axis settings, and then click the Radial tab. Set Maximum dynamic range in dB to 10 dB.
    Figure 1. A polar plot of the requested far field gain (dB) viewed in POSTFEKO.

  2. Review the impedance at a single frequency using one of the following methods:
    • Plot the impedance as a function of frequency on a Cartesian graph or Smith chart.
    • View the impedance value in the *.out file. Open the .out file in the output file viewer (in POSTFEKO), or in any other text file viewer.
                             DATA OF THE VOLTAGE SOURCE NO. 1
                        real part  imag. part   magnitude       phase
     Current   in A    1.0144E-02 -4.9861E-03  1.1303E-02      -26.18
     Admitt.   in A/V  1.0144E-02 -4.9861E-03  1.1303E-02      -26.18
     Impedance in Ohm  7.9398E+01  3.9027E+01  8.8471E+01       26.18
     Inductance  in H  8.2875E-08