Viewing the Results
View and post-process the results in POSTFEKO.
View the gain (in dB) of the requested far field pattern using a polar
- On the Display tab, in the Axes group, click Axis settings, and then click the Radial tab. Set Maximum dynamic range in dB to 10 dB.
Review the impedance at a single frequency using one of the following
- Plot the impedance as a function of frequency on a Cartesian graph or Smith chart.
- View the impedance value in the *.out file. Open the .out file in the output file viewer (in POSTFEKO), or in any other text file viewer.
DATA OF THE VOLTAGE SOURCE NO. 1 real part imag. part magnitude phase Current in A 1.0144E-02 -4.9861E-03 1.1303E-02 -26.18 Admitt. in A/V 1.0144E-02 -4.9861E-03 1.1303E-02 -26.18 Impedance in Ohm 7.9398E+01 3.9027E+01 8.8471E+01 26.18 Inductance in H 8.2875E-08