Create Appliances using Altair Navops

Creating custom appliances using Altair NavOps allows admin users to create computing resources to their specific needs. These appliances are designed for in-company use and are enriched with access to Altair NavOps and PBS without extra costs.

Access and Permissions:
  • Admin users with permission can access Altair NavOps and create custom appliances.
  • Sufficient AUs are necessary for the appliance configuration.
Select Altair Applications:
  • Choose the appropriate Altair application for your custom appliance.

Choose Cloud Service Provider:
  • Select your preferred cloud provider, with Azure being recommended.

  • Options include Azure, AWS, and GCP.

Specify Appliance Details:
  • Choose the region for the appliance creation, with a preference for the US East.

  • Select the appropriate node instance based on your application's hardware requirements.

  • Applications are categorized according to the required computing resources.

Review Units Required:
  • Ensure you have enough AU for the appliance.
Create or Create and Deploy:
  • Initiate the creation process for your custom appliance. You may have the option to create or create and deploy it.

Important Considerations

Efficient Unit Usage:

Do not allocate more than 50% of your AU for creating cloud resources. Excessive allocation may lead to a shortage of units for software checkout, causing potential deployment failures.

Start Small and Scale Smart:

Begin with smaller appliances, typically consisting of 3-4 nodes, and then scale up the appliance by adding more nodes as needed.

GPU vs. Non-GPU Appliances:

Consider creating separate appliances for GPU and non-GPU requirements. This practice reduces the risk of deployment failure due to GPU unavailability in a specific region.

Resource Availability:

The success of appliance deployment depends on the simultaneous availability of all required resources. Be prepared for potential resource constraints.

Seek Support for Complex Configurations:

If your deployment encounters issues or requires specific configurations, reach out to the support team for assistance in creating these custom appliances. For more information refer to Create Appliance for a detailed procedure.