License Requirements

Altair One uses the managed Altair Units (AU) to perform its functions.

When running a High Performance Computing (HPC) workload, AUs are used for both the cloud infrastructure and the software product. To find more detailed information about the licensing requirements refer to Altair License Features.

The default Jobs App utilizes Compute Standard and GPU standard nodes, with license checkout occurring for HWComputeStandard or HWGPUStandard features depending on the job type. Each user must have their own hardware checkout for running a job, as hardware resources are not shared across users. For improved efficiency in concurrent utilization by multiple users or large multimode jobs, it is recommended to use the NavOps appliance, which optimizes license unit utilization.

The default Sessions App is created with Graphic Base nodes so for the session, the license checkout for the HWGraphicBase feature.

When running the workload such as a solver job or interactive job on Altair managed appliances (Jobs/Session) the license checkout for both the infrastructure utilization is often referred to as the hardware checkout and license checkout for applications is also referred to as software checkout.

The hardware checkout remains until the workload is running but when using the private appliance the license checkout for hardware remains until the private appliance is active

The software license checkout while being used on the appliance is as per the license policies of the Altair Simulation products. For more information refer to Altair Units License in Altair Hyperworks Help.

It is advised to start with smaller jobs and then ramp up utilization to observe the license consumption. It is recommended to isolate the units for cloud utilization into different licenses and units for both cloud and on-premise utilization in a different license to avoid on-premise denials. If using the same pool of units ensure the license priority is set to first consume the units without the cloud features before the units with cloud features are used. This will help in more optimized utilization of Altair Units on the cloud.

To control access to the cloud features, the user must be assigned to a group with the required number of licenses. For more information refer to Manage Groups.