What's New
The release notes provides details about the new features, enhancements, and resolved issues in Altair NavOps.
Altair NavOps
Provision scalable resources in the cloud, run cloud versions of your favorite software, and run simulation jobs in the cloud.
View a video to learn about the latest features of Altair Altair NavOps.
Launch the Altair NavOps application and customize to launch the application from Favorite Apps, on Altair One Dashboard.
Altair NavOps provides nodes to create custom and dynamic appliances corresponding to the license features available to the users.
Create an appliance by selecting an application, cloud provider, region for hosting the appliance, and configure the cluster.
Start an appliance that is created.
Share the deployed appliance to an individual user or team members.
Unshare the appliance that is shared to users or teams.
Launch an appliance to access the application.
Register your prviate cloud accounts in Altair NavOps.
Submit a job using the application in the appliance you deployed.
Stop the deployed appliance if it is not required.
Remove an appliance from the appliance list if it is no longer required.
An administrator can scale virtual appliances by adding or removing clusters on-demand based on workload and usage.
Troubleshoot and reconfigure any misbehaving node.
Here are the release notes for features and updates to Altair NavOps