Monitor Job

The jobs submitted to an appliance can be monitored from the Access application of the appliance. The launch button for interactive applications is available in the Altair Marketplace for each appliance.

A result folder is created for every job submitted from the Altair Drive. View the the job details using the View link in the Metadata tab.

Figure 1. View Job Details
Note: The appliance to which the job was submitted must be active to complete the job.
It is preferred to set the Job application filter to display, Job ID, Status, Name, Comment, Creation Time, and Wall Time. The distribution of a large core job over multiple nodes can be reviewed in the job's comment. The execution details of a job is included in the metadata of the Job folder in Altair Drive. Please ensure appropriate filters ON/OFF when trying to review the list of jobs, especially the Job Type.

By default, you can view only your jobs. On the Altair One NavOps private appliances the Admin/Owner of the appliance can update the role of users with whom the appliance is shared to Admin thereby allowing them to see all the jobs running on the appliance.