What's New
Here’s a quick look at the latest features available with Altair Marketplace.
Altair Marketplace
Altair Marketplace is a digital catalogue that you can use to find, try out, and buy Altair's and Altair Partner simulation applications and services.
View a video to learn about the latest features of Altair Marketplace.
Administrator Dashboard portal providing real-time license usage for Altair managed license subscriptions.
Altair Dashboard is an administrative portal providing real-time license usage for Altair managed license subscriptions.
You can view more information from the application (app) card.
Browse and filter the applications using the predefined categories in the left navigation pane that most suit your requirements.
Search for an application by name or using a keyword.
Try an application with your Altair One account for free using the Try Now feature.
You can download the applications by version, language and Operating system.
Set up the license to access the applications that you have downloaded.
Altair Marketplace enables Account Owners and Administrators to purchase Altair License Units to access Altair Suites and the applications belonging to the suite.
Mark applications as favorite for the applications that are available in your My Apps.