Hole Through Pad
Check holes placed on component pads.
- Target Object Definition: Define checking target objects.
- Through Hole Via: Through hole via will be checking target objects.
- Exclude GND connected Via: Among target objects, exclude vias connected to ground net. To specify the ground net, select ground net from net list.
- Exclude Vias with specific Hole Size Ranges: To exclude certain vias from target objects, specify holes’ size ranges.
- Blind Via: Blind vias will be checking target objects.
- Exclude GND connected Via: Among target objects, exclude vias connected to ground net. To specify the ground net, select ground net from net list.
- Exclude Vias with specific Hole Size Ranges: To exclude certain vias from target objects, specify holes’ size ranges.
- Through Hole Via: Through hole via will be checking target objects.
- Checking
- HOLEs on Pad: Check holes are placed on component’s pad.
- Clearance between Hole and Component Pads: Set the clearance value between target vias’ holes and components.
- Via Measure Base: Select the Via measure base.
- Pad Shape: Check based on Via Pad Edge.
- Hole Shape: Check based on Via Hole Edge.
- Component Group: Select target component group.
- Pad Measure Base: Select the Pad measure base.
- Pad: Set a Pad area as a measure base.
- Pad + Solder Mask Overlap: Set a measure base where the Pad and the Solder Mask are overlapped.
- Solder Mask: Set a Solder Mask area as a measure base.
- Excluding Components: Exclude components in checking with selecting component group from list.
- Excluding the specific Pad: Option to exclude the specific
pad from checking.
- The largest area of pin pads: Recognize the largest pad of the component as a target object.
- Larger than average area of pin pads: Recognize the pads larger than the average pad area of the component as a target object.
- The smallest area of pin pads: Recognize the smallest pad of the component as a target object.
- Check for thermal Pads: Check for components’ thermal pads.
Default checking doesn’t check for components’ thermal
- Except Component: Option to exclude a component from the Thermal Pads checking.
- Via Measure Base in Thermal Pad Area: Define the Via measure base on the Thermal pad and via checking.
- Pad Shape: Set the Pad Shape as a measure base.
- Hole Shape: Set the Via Hole’s Edge as a measure base.
- Via Location: Set the Via center as a measure base.
- Except Via in Pad Area: Option to exclude Vias placed inside
the pad area from checking.
- SMD: Exclude Vias placed inside the SMD pad (When SolderMask is smaller than pad.) area from checking.
- NSMD: Exclude Vias placed inside the NSMD pad (When SolderMask is larger than pad.) area from checking.
- Via Measure Base in Pad Area: Define the Via measure
base on the pad and via checking.
- Pad Shape: Set the Pad Shape as a measure base.
- Hole Shape: Set the Via Hole’s Edge as a measure base.
- Via Location: Set the Via center as a measure base.
- Exclude Checking for SMD Pins, not having Metal Mask: Option to exclude SMD Pins that do not have Metal Mask from checking.
- Check Via Hole Existence within Component Area: Check whether vias
hole are in component boundary.
- Target Component Group: Select target components from component group list.
- Via Location on Pad’s Center: If via placed on pad’s area, they
should be placed at same location. Item checks whether they are at
same location or not. If their locations are different, it is
- Item: Specify the item name.
- Comp Group: Select target components from component group list.
- Via Type: Select via type.
- Tolerance: Set tolerance value. Within tolerance, PollEx DFM treats them as same location.
- Via's on Pad's Symmetry: Check whether the via hole is located on the component pad's central axis (long axis).
- Via Stackup: Allowable maximum number of via’s passing physical layers.
- Exclude Checking for SMD Pins, not having Metal Mask: Option to exclude SMD Pins that do not have Metal Mask from checking.
- HOLEs on Pad: Check holes are placed on component’s pad.