Importing / Exporting Motors and Parts

A new efficient way for importing / exporting Motors in Motor Catalog, and Parts in Part Factory

To facilitate the exchange of motor design and part topology between users, new functionalities have been developed allowing the import/export of motors in Motor Factory application and import / export parts in Part Library application.

Any motor from Motor Catalog can be exported to:
  • A folder,
  • or a zip file.

New Export function in Motor Catalog
1 Select one or several motor(s) to be exported.
2 Clicking on the button “Export” opens a dialog box to export motors stored in a folder or in a zip file.
3 Dialog box to give “Export information” for exporting the motors.
4 The export information is:
  • Export name,
  • Export format: either folder or zip,
  • Destination folder.
5 The selected motor(s) can be stored either inside a folder or in a zip file before being exported.
A motor can be imported into the Motor Catalog if it:
  • exists in a reference catalog of FluxMotor (the old type of import),
  • or is stored in a folder,
  • or is stored in a zip file.

An internal process checks if the motor provided in the folder or the zip file is compatible with the intended motor catalog.

New Import function in Motor Catalog
Selection of a user’s catalog in which the motors to import will be stored.
Note: In this example, the catalog in which motors will be imported is currently empty.
2 Click on the button “IMPORT”.
3 Clicking on the icon "IMPORT" opens a dialog box, allowing three ways to import motors.
4 1st solution: Import motors from another catalog
5 2nd solution: Import a motor from a folder
6 3rd solution: Import a motor from a zip file
Any part from the Part Library can be exported to:
  • a folder,
  • or a zip file.

New Export function in Part Library
1 Select one or several motor(s) to be exported.
2 Clicking on the button “Export” opens a dialog box to export motors stored in a folder or in a zip file.
3 Dialog box to give “Export information” for exporting the motors.
The export information is:
  • Export name,
  • Export format: either folder or zip,
  • Destination folder.
5 The selected motor(s) can be stored either inside a folder or in a zip file before being exported.
And a part can be imported to the Part Library if it:
  • exists in a reference library of FluxMotor (the old type of import),
  • or is stored in a folder,
  • or is stored in a zip file.

An internal process checks if the part provided in the folder or the zip file is compatible with the intended part library.

New Import function in Part Library
Selection of a user’s catalog in which the motors to import will be stored.
Note: In this example, the catalog in which motors will be imported is currently empty.
2 Click on the button “IMPORT”.
3 Clicking on the icon "IMPORT" opens a dialog box, allowing three ways for importing motors.
4 1st solution: Import motors from another catalog
5 2nd solution: Import a motor from a folder
6 3rd solution: Import a motor from a zip file