Efficiency maps - A major improvement

A major improvement for computing the efficiency maps of synchronous machines.

An enhanced efficiency mapping model is introduced, integrating rotor position dependency into the analysis of all synchronous machines, including Synchronous Machines with Permanent Magnets (SMPM), Reluctance Synchronous Machine (RSM), and Synchronous Machines with wound field – Inner salient pole - Inner rotor (SMWF-ISP-IR).

This upgraded process delivers a more accurate efficiency map by precisely estimating electromagnetic torque and stator iron losses while also considering previously neglected rotor iron losses.

Users now have the option to select and fine tune the rotor position dependency mode, offering greater flexibility and control.
Note: All inputs related to the rotor position dependency mode are commonly shared between the model map test and the efficiency map test. Therefore, the latest half electrical period option for “No. computed elec. periods” is also available for the efficiency map test.
Note: For a detailed comparison between the classic approach and the new model in terms of accuracy and computation time, refer to the "Best practices" section of the User Help Guide.

Efficiency map without (1) and with (2) rotor position dependency of a Synchronous Machines with Permanent Magnets (SMPM)