Charts features improvements (Curves, maps, axis scale,)

New features - Illustrations

Since 2024.1, essential functionalities have been implemented for almost all charts throughout Motor Factory and Materials. The available features depend on each type of chart. Some functionalities are common to all charts, while others vary slightly depending on the chart type. Below are examples of the most common types of charts, to cover all the features.

A basic line chart and its features
1 Reset zoom: resets the chart to the initial zoom value (100%).
2 Scroll: the default mouse mode, it allows the user to move around the chart with the left mouse button.
3 Zoom out: this mouse mode allows the user to zoom out the chart by clicking on the chart.
4 Zoom in: this mouse mode allows the user to zoom in the chart, either by clicking or by creating a zoom-in rectangle on the chart.
5 Snap to data points: when activated, the mouse tooltip snaps to the closest data point of the chart.
6 Probe panel: after entering a valid x-value, the user can click on the checkmark button to compute and display the probe on the chart. A movable tooltip will appear alongside a vertical line at the entered x-value. To remove the probe, either click on the reset probe button or the probe line itself.

An efficiency map and its features
1 Reset zoom: resets the map to the initial zoom value (100%).
2 Scroll: the default mouse mode, it allows the user to move around the map with the left mouse button.
3 Zoom out: this mouse mode allows the user to zoom out the map by clicking on the chart.
4 Zoom in: this mouse mode allows the user to zoom in on the map, either by clicking or by creating a zoom-in rectangle on the chart.
5 Snap to data points: when activated, the mouse tooltip snaps to the closest data point on the map.
6 Probe panel: after entering a valid pair of x and y values, the user can click on the checkmark button to compute and display the probe on the chart. A movable tooltip will appear alongside a cross at the entered coordinate. To remove the probe, either click on the reset probe button, or the probe cross itself.
7 Z-axis bounds panel: after entering valid z-axis bounds, the user can click on the checkmark button to update the z-axis accordingly. This will modify the z-axis color scale and for most maps, the isolines interval.

A model map and its features
1-6 Same as above example (without snap to data points).
7 3D visualization: toggles the 3D visualization on or off.