Project Parameters: Main Tab

Figure 1. The Indoor dialog, Main tab.

This name defines the file name and folder of the files generated as the output of the pre-processing.
CAUTION: Do not use the same name as the input database file name, as it would be overwritten.
Depending on which prediction model should be used in the predictions within ProMan, the corresponding model must be chosen for the pre-processing.
Empirical models (Multi-Wall, Motley-Keenan,...)
For these wave propagation models (COST 231 Walfisch-Ikegami, Knife-Edge Diffraction, ...) the pre-processing is not required, but can be used to combine the building and topographical layers and to compute the prediction grid (which pixels are outside and which ones are inside the buildings) in advance.
3D Standard Ray Tracing (SRT)
The standard ray-tracing model (SRT) performs a rigorous 3D ray-tracing prediction which results in a very high accuracy, but it is computationally expensive.
3D Intelligent Ray Tracing (IRT)
The 3D Intelligent Ray Tracing (IRT) technique computes the propagation path in three dimensions including reflections at building walls and diffractions around building wedges (horizontal and vertical). To accelerate the path finding the model is based on the pre-processed building data.
Dominant Path Model (IDP, Indoor Dominant Path)
For the indoor dominant path model, the pre-processing is not required but can be used to compute the prediction grid (which pixels are outside and which ones are inside the buildings) in advance.
Prediction Area

The options Total, User defined rectangular area and User defined polygon prepare for area-mode simulation in ProMan, meaning the results will be computed for an entire area. In this mode, all visibility relations will be determined for maximum efficiency during simulation. The prediction area and discretization will be fixed in the resulting file and cannot be changed later in ProMan.

The option Point mode is recommended in preparation for ProMan simulations in point mode (results will be computed for a set of individual points) and in trajectory mode (results will be computed along a trajectory). Slightly less pre-processing will be done, and you will keep the flexibility to specify prediction points or trajectories later, when setting up the simulation in ProMan.