Prediction Models and Their Pre-Processed Database Files

Depending on the mode you select for the run of the pre-processing, different output files are generated. The different modes (and thus output files) are needed for the different prediction models.

The pre-processed database files are all in binary format.

Table 1. Indoor Database Files
Extension Database Type
Indoor Database Binary
Raw Indoor Database without any pre-processing computation done. Nevertheless, this database can also be used directly for predictions with selected prediction models.
Indoor Database COST
Pre-processed database for a prediction with the empirical Multi-Wall (MW) model.
Indoor Database Walls
This is a pre-processed database file for a prediction with the deterministic standard ray-tracing (SRT) model.
Indoor Database Intelligent Ray Tracing
Pre-processed database for a prediction with the deterministic intelligent ray-tracing (IRT) model.
Indoor Dominant Path
Pre-processed database for a prediction with the indoor dominant path prediction (IDP) model.