Comparison of Wave Propagation Results for Tx Height of 20m

Figure 1. Prediction of received power if using the measured 3D antenna pattern (Tx height 20 m).

Figure 2. Prediction of received power using the interpolated 3D pattern (AM algorithm).

Figure 3. Prediction of received power using the interpolated 3D pattern (BI algorithm).

Figure 4. Prediction of received power if using the interpolated 3D pattern (WBI algorithm).

Figure 5. Prediction of received power using the interpolated 3D pattern (HPI algorithm).

The plots of the predicted received power for the transmitter height of 20m show the influence of the antenna pattern on the wave propagation results. When comparing the different power plots there are some differences visible, especially concerning the main lobe and the side lobes.

Table 1. Numerical evaluation of the power predictions (measured 3D - interpolated 3D) for Tx height 20m.
Comparison Polarization +45° Polarization -45°
Measured 3D Pattern Mean Value [dB] Standard Deviation [dB] Mean Value [dB] Standard Deviation [dB]
AM Algorithm -0.26 1.84 -0.28 2.57
BI Algorithm -0.62 1.52 0.50 2.41
WBI Algorithm -0.71 2.10 0.91 2.04
HPI Algorithm -1.34 1.90 -1.12 2.05

The numerical evaluation of these differences is listed in the table above. According to this evaluation again the HPI and the AM algorithm have the best performance (the smallest error with respect to the measured 3D antenna pattern).