Troubleshooting: Can't Offset the Addendum


The part offset worked, but I can't create a matching offset for the addendum. In the Model Browser, the part is displayed in red and when I hover over it, an error message is displayed saying that the "Addendum failed to offset."


The Addendum configuration at some rib locations was set to Auto Decide Tangency or Break Addendum Start Line. As a result, gaps occur at these locations, preventing further trimming and the creation of the addendum offset.


  1. Identify unsmooth areas to locate ribs where the Addendum configuration was set to Auto Decide Tangency or Break Addendum Start Line.
  2. To smoothen the area, try the following:
    1. Change the Addendum configuration to Tangency (G1). If that doesn't help, leave it at Auto Decide Tangency.
    2. If the previous step doesn't work, copy the selected rib. Paste two copies, one on either side of the original rib. Set the copies to Tangemcy (G1).