The quench system database allows you to save created quench systems. You can
retrieve the stored quench systems from the database to reuse in future
From the Quenching ribbon, click the rectangular box on
the Quench tool.
The Quench System Database dialog opens. The left hand side of
the dialog lists the existing quench systems already saved in the database. Clicking
a quench system displays the details of the quench system in the right hand side of
the dialog.
Add a Quench System to Database
To add a quench system to database, quench system setup must be completed. You can
add only the current quench system created/modified in that session.
Click on the icon in the
Quench System Database dialog.
The current quench system is saved to the database.
Delete a Quench System from Database
Select the quench system to be deleted from the list.
Click on the icon to delete
the selected quench system.
Load a Quench System from Database
Open the Quench System Database dialog and select the
quench system to be loaded.
Click Load.
The selected quench system will be loaded into Inspire Extrude.