Use the tool to plot the boiling curve of water at atmospheric pressure.
From the Quenching ribbon, click on the Boiling
Curve icon to create the boiling curve.
Note: To plot the boiling curve, the model must have an immersion cooling quench
In the dialog, you can change the parameters for the boiling curve.
Convection Scale Factor represents the effectiveness of the
heat transfer process. A higher convection scale factor implies more efficient heat
transfer, leading to faster cooling of the object.
Nucleate Boiling Exponent M and Nucleate Boiling
Exponent N are exponents in Rohsenow correlation for nucleate
boiling. Exponent M must be positive value less than 1. Exponent N must be a
positive value greater than or equal to 1.
Surface Factor is a parameter that accounts for the
characteristics of the surface undergoing boiling. Higher the surface factor, higher
the roughness or the surface area, more efficient will be the heat transfer. Surface
factor must be a positive number.
CHF Scale Factor is a parameter used to predict the Critical
Heat Flux. CHF Scale factor generally fall within the range of 0.4 to 4.
MHF Scale Factor is a parameter used to predict the Minimum
Heat Flux. Lower the MHF Scale factor suggests that the Minimum Heat Flux is less
affected by the changes in the temperature difference between the surface and
saturation temperature of the fluid. MHF Scale factor generally fall within the
range of 0.5 and 10.0.