
Delete objects using the keyboard or context menu.

Deleting an object will remove it from the model entirely. If you only want to deactivate a object without removing it from the model, use model configuration.
Choose from the following options:
  • Select the objects, and then press Delete.
  • Right-click the selected objects, and then click Delete on the context menu.
Depending on the type of object you deleted, other related objects may be deleted automatically.
Type of Object Deleted Result Note
Part All the loads, supports, and shape controls attached to that part are deleted.
Assembly All the parts and subassemblies in the assembly are deleted recursively.
Load Case The loads and displacements in that load case aren't deleted. Load cases refer to objects but do not actually contain them.
Load, Support, Displacement Constraint The entity is deleted from the model and consequently all load cases. To delete an entity from a load case without deleting it from the model, right-click the entity, and then click Exclude from.