This law enables to model hydrodynamic behavior of an elastic-plastic material using
Johnson-Cook Yield criteria and any equation of state available with /EOS
card. It based on /MAT/LAW3 and adds strain rate and temperature
dependency. The advantage of material LAW04 regarding classical LAW02
(/MAT/JCOOK) is that you can choose any available EOS from
/EOS card.
The equation describing yield stress (scale value) is:
The pressure and energy values are obtained by solving equation of state
related to the material (/EOS).
Material parameters are the same as in LAW3.
The parameters are:
- Strain rate coefficient
- Reference strain rate
- Temperature exponent
- Tmelt
- Melting temperature
- Tmax
- Maximum temperature
- For
, then
=1 is used.
- Specific heat per unit volume
For an explanation about strain rate filtering, refer to Strain Rate Filtering.