This material can be used to define elements to act as a void, or empty
The constitutive model that is used in LAW71 to describe the shape memory alloy
superelastic behavior is based on the work of Auricchio.1
Phase Transformation Conditions
Two phase transformations are considered:
- Transformation from austenite to martensite denoted AS (A→S)
- Transformation from martensite to austenite denoted SA (S→A)
A transformation strain is introduced dependent on the evolution of the fraction of
The stress deviator and pressure are updated using the fraction of martensite and
transformation strain:
are the shear and the bulk modulus, respectively. It
is possible to define these parameters dependent on the martensite fraction. In this
subscripts refer to austenite and martensite,
respectively. The two moduli are calculated as:
- Deviator of the strain
- Denotes the trace of the tensor
- Martensite fraction
- Constant material parameters
- Unit vector is defined as
Transformation from Austenite to
Two functions are defined for the start and the final point of
transformation. These functions are expressed as:
Where,The loading function
is computed using the stress deviator
, the pressure
, and the temperature:Where,
, and
are the material parameters.The conversion of
austenite to martensite takes place when the following conditions are