Engine Keyword Generates animation files containing damage value as function of a solid element integration point. The damage value is the maximum of damage over time and of all failure criteria acting in one material.
Field | Contents | SI Unit Example |
Keyword4 | Integration Point Number:
- If the integration point ijk does not exist in a solid, damage value is set to 0.
- If j is
greater than or equal to 10 (in case of /PROP/TYPE22 (TSH_COMP)),
syntax becomes:
- With 10 ≤ j ≤ 200
- The damage value,
D is 0 ≤ D ≤ 1. The status for fracture is:
- Damage occurs, if 0 ≤ D < 1
- Failure, if D = 1
- D is computed for every failure criteria as
- Strain-based failure (/FAIL/BIQUAD):
- Johnson-Cook failure (/FAIL/JOHNSON):
- Cockcroft Latham failure (/FAIL/COCKCROFT):
- Tuler-Butcher failure (/FAIL/TBUTCHER):
- Wilkins failure (/FAIL/WILKINS):
- BAO-XUE-Wierzbicki failure (/FAIL/WIERZBICKI):
- Strain failure model (/FAIL/TENSSTRAIN):
- Energy density failure model (/FAIL/ENERGY):
- Hashin Composite failure (/FAIL/HASHIN) - the maximum
damage for different failure mode:
- for uni-directional lamina mode
- for fabric lamina model
- for uni-directional lamina mode
- Puck Composite failure (/FAIL/PUCK) - the maximum
damage for different failure mode:
- Ladeveze failure (/FAIL/LAD_DAMA)
- Strain Failure Model with dependence on Lode angle (/FAIL/TAB1)
- Spalling and Johnson-Cook failure (/FAIL/SPALLING):
- Ladveze composite failure (/FAIL/LAD_DAMA):
- Failure According (Normal and Tangential) Displacement Criteria and/or
Energy Criteria (/FAIL/CONNECT):
- Failure According Plastic Displacement Criteria (/FAIL/SNCONNECT):
- Extended Mohr Coulomb failure model (/FAIL/EMC):
- Strain-based failure (/FAIL/BIQUAD):