Block Format Keyword Defines the type of analysis and sets analysis flags.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
N2D3D Iparith


Field Contents SI Unit Example
N2D3D Analysis type.
= 0 (Default)
= 1
= 2
Plane strain.


Iparith Parallel arithmetic option flag.
= 0 (Default)
Set to 1.
= 1
Parallel arithmetic option is ON.
= 2
Parallel arithmetic option is OFF.



  1. N2D3D defines analysis type for both axisymmetrical analysis (N2D3D =1) and plane strain analysis (N2D3D =2), the elements must be defined in YZ plane and their normal has to be in the positive x-direction. It is recommended to define the model in the Y+ and Z+ quadrant for 2D analysis (N2D3D=1, 2). For axisymmetrical analysis mesh of model should never cross the axis Y=0.
    • In axisymmetrical analysis (N2D3D =1), Y is the radial direction and Z is the axis of revolution.
    • In plane strain analysis (N2D3D =2), X is the plane strain direction.
  2. If parallel arithmetic flag is set ON, the same numerical results will be obtained irrespective of the number of processors used. This result is not guaranteed in case of incompatible kinematic conditions in the model.