The optimize Method

The optimize method for the MV-3010 model is shown below.
def optimize (self):

    # Define the cost functions in a list
    obj = [self.resp]

    # Define the weights for the cost functions in a list
    wt  = [1]

    # Create the optimizer
    opt = Optimizer ( label     = "Optimize SLA3",  # Label
                      objective = obj,              # Objectives
                      weights   = wt,               # Weights
                      type      = "STATICS",        # Simulation Type
                      end       = 4,                # End Time
                      dtout     = 0.04,             # No. of steps
                      plot      = True,             # Display plots
    # Now perform the optimization
    x = opt.optimize (accuracy=1e-4)    
    # Return the result        
    return x