The log file for the design optimization run, which contains the overall history of the optimization run.
The summary.log file for the four-bar model is show below. It tells you:
- The time and date for the optimization run.
- The Python version used.
- Location of the input and output files.
- The optimization run settings.
- The simulation settings.
- The iteration history.
- The results from the optimization.
- The final design table.
- The total elapsed time for the run.
Version 0.1
** COPYRIGHT (C) 2004-2016 Altair Engineering, Inc. **
** All Rights Reserved. Copyright notice does not imply publication. **
** Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. **
** Decompilation or disassembly of this software strictly prohibited. **
Date : 05/11/2016
Time : 11:58:07
Python Version : 2.7.6 | 64-bit | (default, Jun 4 2014, 16:42:26)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)]
Input File : /Users/rajivr/Desktop/test/
Output Directory : /Users/rajivr/Desktop/test/test-4bar_115807
Summary File : /Users/rajivr/Desktop/test/test-4bar_115807/summary.log
Design Log File : /Users/rajivr/Desktop/test/test-4bar_115807/design.log
Optimizer Settings
Algorithm : FMIN_SLSQP
Max. # iterations: 50
Accuracy : 1.000e-03
Simulation Settings
End Time : 2.0
DTout : 0.01
Iteration # Cost # Objective Mag(Slope)
1 1 1.1368e+04 5.9417e+02
2 3 2.1944e+03 7.9392e+01
3 4 1.0535e+03 9.5027e+01
4 6 5.1692e+02 4.5834e+01
5 7 2.0020e+02 1.1842e+01
6 8 1.5001e+02 1.2769e+01
7 9 7.5452e+01 1.0250e+01
8 10 5.5682e+01 3.9557e+00
9 11 4.3578e+01 2.8370e+00
10 12 4.1407e+01 2.4360e+00
11 13 3.8562e+01 2.6164e+00
12 14 3.5727e+01 2.1367e+00
13 15 3.3712e+01 2.2006e+00
14 17 3.2336e+01 2.2493e+00
15 19 3.1539e+01 2.0010e+00
16 21 3.0651e+01 1.6655e+00
17 23 2.9913e+01 1.2340e+00
18 25 2.9601e+01 8.6076e-01
19 28 2.9552e+01 7.6627e-01
20 30 2.9350e+01 6.4838e-01
21 31 2.9082e+01 8.8139e-01
22 32 2.8311e+01 1.1336e+00
23 33 2.3582e+01 2.0366e+00
24 34 1.6936e+01 2.9549e+00
25 35 9.3320e+00 2.7959e+00
26 36 4.8776e+00 2.8902e+00
27 37 2.7456e+00 7.7631e-01
28 38 2.3635e+00 1.8771e-01
29 39 2.3447e+00 1.9977e-01
30 40 2.3199e+00 4.2502e-02
31 41 2.3041e+00 3.9178e-02
Optimization terminated successfully.
Results from Optimization
Initial Cost = 11367.896
Final Cost = 2.304
Cost reduction = 99.980
Individual Responses
Weight = 1.00 Final cost of objective Coupler-DX = 2.13
Weight = 1.00 Final cost of objective Coupler-DY = 0.15
Weight = 1.00 Final cost of objective Coupler-PSI = 0.03
Final Design Table
DV Lower Bound Upper Bound Initial Value Optimized Value
XA -5.0000e+01 +5.0000e+01 -4.5000e+01 +2.4374e-02
YA -5.0000e+01 +5.0000e+01 +4.5000e+01 -4.5262e-01
XB +2.0000e+01 +8.0000e+01 +6.5000e+01 +3.9968e+01
YB +1.8000e+02 +2.8000e+02 +2.6000e+02 +1.9953e+02
XC +2.4000e+02 +3.8000e+02 +3.0000e+02 +3.6022e+02
YC +4.0000e+02 +6.2000e+02 +5.0000e+02 +6.0040e+02
XD +1.8000e+02 +5.2000e+02 +5.1500e+02 +3.9957e+02
YD -1.0000e+02 +2.0000e+01 -8.5000e+01 +8.5563e-01
Elapsed Time for job = 20.75 seconds
Time in Cost function = 4.77 seconds
Time in Sensitivity function = 15.11 seconds
Optimization process completed.