hwIDataFile GetChannelMetaDataLabel

Gets the label of an item of meta data associated with a file channel.


hwIDataFile_handle GetChannelMetaDataLabel datatype, request, component, varname


Tcl Query


This command retrieves the label of an item of metadata associated with a specific channel of a data file. The channel is identified by the datatype, request, and component parameters. These are strings which are specific to the particular file. The varname parameter specifies the item of data to retrieve.

The label is often more verbose than the varname. It is not necessarily unique - multiple metadata items can have the same labels, even though they must have unique varnames to identify them.


hwi GetSessionHandle sess1
sess1 GetDataFileHandle datafile "[sess1 GetSystemVariable ALTAIR_HOME]/demos/mv_hv_hg/plotting/adams/indy.req"
set reqlist [datafile GetRequestList Displacement]
set complist [datafile GetComponentList Displacement]
set metadatalist [datafile GetChannelMetaDataList Displacement [lindex $reqlist 0] [lindex $complist 0]]
datafile GetChannelMetaDataValue Displacement [lindex $reqlist 0] [lindex $complist 0] [lindex $metadatalist 0]
datafile GetChannelMetaDataValue Displacement [lindex $reqlist 0] [lindex $complist 0] [lindex $metadatalist 1]
datafile GetChannelMetaDataLabel Displacement [lindex $reqlist 0] [lindex $complist 0] [lindex $metadatalist 0]
datafile GetChannelMetaDataType Displacement [lindex $reqlist 0] [lindex $complist 0] [lindex $metadatalist 0] 


If the item of metadata is not present in the file, an empty string will be returned.


XY plot


