Prepare your model and run the simulation.
Prepare your model for a general AcuSolve simulation.
Define direct, derived, and constrained mesh motion.
Define explicit motion or motion sources on solids or surfaces.
View new features for HyperMesh CFD 2025.
Learn the basics and discover the workspace.
Discover HyperMesh CFD functionality with interactive tutorials and community resources.
Solution-centric workflows allow you to traverse through modeling environments using a dedicated UI layer.
Create, open, import, and save models.
Use the Convert tool to convert entire models between data types.
Manage CAD, FE, and 2D parametric sketch geometry.
Generate surface/volume mesh by defining mesh controls, or interactively create and edit 2D surface mesh.
Set up the simulation model, materials, domains, and boundaries.
Define thermal and solar radiation.
Use the Settings tool to define the mesh motion equation to be solved.
Use Translation tool to define linear mesh translation on solid bodies or surfaces.
Use Rotation tool to define mesh rotation on solid bodies or surfaces.
Use the Rigid Body tool to simulate the dynamic motion of a body under the influence of forces and moments.
Use the Advanced tool to define motion based on the position of two reference points at different times. This is useful when you want to define arbitrary motion with time.
Use the Advanced Spatial tool to define nodal motion conditions. This is useful to define mesh displacement and/or mesh velocities along with other motion. It can be used to simulate a train moving through tunnel, a car changing lanes, food injection, and so on.
Define how to interpolate the effect of the motion created with the Direct tools.
Define how the nodes will move around certain surfaces.
Define output conditions, run the simulation, and view the results.
AcuTrace is particle tracer that runs as a post-processor to AcuSolve.
Prepare your model for wind tunnel analysis using ultraFluidX.
Post-process the simulation results by creating visualizations and measurements.
Automate simulation processes with templates and utility scripts.
Once the baseline model is prepared, you can define morph volumes, morph geometry, create design shapes and run DOE studies. These tool work for both AcuSolve and ultraFluidX-based workflows.
More resources for AcuSolve and ultraFluidX solvers.
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