In this application, AcuSolve is used to simulate fully
developed turbulent flow through a channel containing a convex curve in the lower wall.
AcuSolve results are compared with experimental results as
described in Smits (1979) and on the NASA Langley Research Center Turbulence Modeling
Resource webpage. The close agreement of AcuSolve results with
experimental data and reference turbulence model performance validates the ability of
AcuSolve to model cases with turbulent flow moving past a
convex curved wall.
Problem Description
The problem consists of a fluid with material properties close to air flowing through a channel
containing a 30° swept wall, with a lower convex wall. The inlet channel height and
remaining duct height is 0.127 m. The bulk velocity (v) normal to the inlet is 31.9
m/s and an integrated outflow pressure is specified to allow the flow to pass
through the channel. The flow develops into fully turbulent flow at a Reynolds's
number (Re) of 2,100,000. The density of the flow medium is 1.225 kg/m3 and the
dynamic viscosity is 1.8608 X 10-5 kg/m-s. The simulation is conducted with the
Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations using the Spalart Allmaras, Shear Stress
Transport (SST), K-ω and Realizable K-ε turbulence models. The flow conditions are
compared against experimental data and the current state-of-the-art performance for
coefficient of pressure and coefficient of friction.Figure 1. Critical Dimensions and Parameters for Simulating Turbulent Flow Through
a Convex Channel
The simulation was performed as a two dimensional problem by restricting flow in the out-of-plane
direction through the use of a mesh that is one element thick. The upper and lower
walls are specified as no-slip, the inlet velocity and eddy viscosity are specified
normal to the inlet face to match the experimental Reynolds Number.Figure 2. Detail of the Mesh used for Simulating Turbulent Flow Through a Convex
AcuSolve Results
The AcuSolve solution converged to a steady state and the results
reflect the mean flow conditions within the channel. As the fluid enters the channel
it develops into fully turbulent flow exhibiting a steep parabolic velocity profile
across the width of the channel. The flow begins to accelerate near the lower wall
and decelerate near the top wall as it approaches the 30° bend. The results show
that the upper (concave) wall destabilizes the boundary layer, increasing the eddy
viscosity and forcing the flow velocity to decrease. The following figures show the
flow conditions within the channel.Figure 3. Velocity Contours in the Streamwise Plane Figure 4. Close up View of Velocity Vectors and Velocity Contours at the 30°
Upstream of the curved section of the channel, the flow normal to the channel opening increases
as the distance from the lower wall increases until it reaches the centerline of the
channel and then begins decreasing until it reaches zero at the top wall. As the
flow approaches the curved section, it begins to accelerate, requiring that the flow
velocity near the upper wall decrease to conserve momentum. The relatively low angle
of curvature in the channel does not cause the accelerated fluid to recirculate. The
images below show the coefficient of pressure (Cp) and coefficient of skin friction
(Cf) along the lower wall of the channel. The images show black circles representing
the experimental measurements (Smiths 1979), solid red lines for the SA model, solid
blue lines for the SST model, solid green lines for the K-ω model and a solid cyan
line for the K-ε model, representing the AcuSolve
results. The coefficient of pressure within the channel is predicted nearly
identically compared to the experiment for each of the turbulence models. It appears
that the SST and K-ε models capture the low velocity region with the best accuracy,
demonstrating that the flow velocity decreases significantly, but does not
recirculate within the channel. This is shown in the friction coefficient plot,
where the coefficient of friction, and subsequently the wall shear stress, does not
decrease below zero.Figure 5. Coefficient of Pressure Plotted Against Relative Distance Along the Lower
Wall from the Curve Figure 6. Skin Friction Coefficient Plotted Against Relative Distance Along the
Lower Wall from the Curve
In this application, a turbulent flow through a curved channel at a Reynolds number of 2,100,000 is simulated and compared against experimental data. The
AcuSolve results compare well with the experimental data for pressure coefficient and skin friction coefficient within the channel. The performance of the Spalart Allmaras turbulence model was found to be consistent with previously published results for flow through a convex-curved channel (NASA 2015) and the SST turbulence model appears to predict the shear stress on the lower wall most accurately.
AcuSolve demonstrates the ability to predict the complex boundary layers resulting from the curvature of the channel and accurately predicts the propagation of the flow further downstream.
Simulation Settings for Turbulent Flow past a Convex Curve in a Channel
HyperMesh CFD database file: <your working
Problem Description
Analysis type - Steady State
Turbulence equation - Spalart Allmaras
Auto Solution Strategy
Max time steps - 100
Convergence tolerance - 0.0001
Relaxation factor - 0.4
Material Model
Density - 1.225 kg/m3
Viscosity - 1.8603e-5 kg/m-sec
Fluid - elbow
Element Set
Material model - Fluid
Fluid - inlet
Element Set
Material model - Fluid
Fluid - outlet
Element Set
Material model - Fluid
Simple Boundary Condition
Type - Slip
Type - Slip
Simple Boundary Condition
Type - Inflow
Inflow type - Velocity
Inflow velocity type - Normal
Normal velocity - 31.9 m/sec
Turbulence input type - Direct
Eddy viscosity - 1.3671e-7
Simple Boundary Condition - (disabled)
Lower Wall
Simple Boundary Condition
Type - Wall
Turbulence wall type - Low Reynolds Number
Simple Boundary Condition
Type - Outflow
Upper Wall
Simple Boundary Condition
Type - Wall
Turbulence wall type - Low Reynolds Number
A. J. Smits, S. T. B. Young, and P. Bradshaw. "The Effect of Short Regions of
High Surface Curvature on Turbulent Boundary Layers". Journal of Fluid
Mechanics. 94(2):209-242. 1979
NASA Langley Research Center Turbulence Modeling Resource webpage. Accessed May