Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Analysis
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) analysis is not only used to predict emission and immunity performance, but also in the product design phase to mitigate problems due to external or co-site interfaces.
Feko is used extensively for immunity and radiated emissions testing, shielding effectiveness, noise coupling, radiation hazard (RADHAZ) analysis, electromagnetic pulses (EMP), lightning analysis, high intensity radiated fields (HIRF), reverberation and anechoic chamber simulations.
Key features:
- Efficient solvers enable simulation of EMC tests including device under test (DUT) and the test environment.
- Specialised cable modelling and solver tool, to analyse inter-cable coupling, and coupling between cables and antennas or other devices.
- Model decomposition uses equivalent representation of electronic control units in emission tests to reduce computational requirements.
- Time analysis tools to investigate the time domain behaviour in lightning, EMP and noise coupling.