Changing the Axes of the Trace (Independent and Fixed)
Set the independent axis of the far field trace to Phi and the fixed axis to Theta = 30°.
myFarFieldTrace.IndependentAxis = "Phi" myFarFieldTrace:SetFixedAxisValue("Theta",30, "deg")

- Search for the FarFieldTrace object in the Help1.
In the Help under
, search for an applicable property to specify the independent
- IndependentAxis
The result is then:
IndependentAxis = "Phi"
Determine the syntax to prepend to IndependentAxis:
In the Help under
, search for an applicable method to specify the fixed axis:
- SetFixedAxisValue (axis string, numvalue number, unit string)
- SetFixedAxisValue (axis string, strvalue string)
To specify the fixed axis, we will use the method:SetFixedAxisValue (axis string, numvalue number, unit string)
The result is then:
SetFixedAxisValue("Theta", 30, "deg")
Determine the syntax to prepend to IndependentAxis: