Getting a Handle on the Far Field Result

Get a handle on the far field result in the far field collection.

myFarFieldResult = myApplication.Models[1].Configurations[1].FarFields[1]
  1. A far field result is an object and since there may be multiple far field results in a project, it is part of the FarFieldCollection.
  2. Search for FarFieldCollection in the Help1.
  3. In FarFieldCollection, under Index List, note the following options to specify a specific far field result in the collection:
    • [number]
    • [string]

    To specify the far field data in the collection, we will use [number] since we only added a single far field request (as a result there will only be one far field result.

  4. In the Help, under FarFieldCollection > Usage locations, note the following:
    SolutionConfiguration object has collection FarFields.
    The result is then:
  5. Determine the syntax to prepend to FarFields[1]:
    1. Since we know that far field requests are defined per configuration and there may be multiple configurations in the project, it is part of the ConfigurationCollection.
    2. In the Help, under ConfigurationCollection > Usage locations, note the following:
      Model object has collection Configurations.
    3. In ConfigurationCollection, under Index List, note the following options to specify a specify a configuration in the collection:
      • [number]
      • [string]
      To specify the configuration in the collection, we will use [number] since the model only contains a single configuration. The result is then:
  6. Determine the syntax to prepend to Configurations[1]:
    1. Since we know that there may be multiple models in a project a, it is part of the ModelCollection.
    2. In the Help, under ModelCollection > Usage locations, note the following:
      Application object has collection Models.
    3. In ModelCollection, under Index List, note the following options to specify a specific model in the collection:
      • [number]
      • [string]

      To specify the model in the project, we will use [number] since the project only contains a single model. The result is then:

    4. Since we already have a handle on the application, the result is:
  7. Add a reference to the far field result:
    myFarFieldResult = myApplication.Models[1].Configurations[1].FarFields[1]
1 The API is available in the Feko Scripting and API Reference Guide (PDF) or Feko WebHelp.