Altair One NavOps Release Notes 2023.2

Here’s a quick look at the latest features and enhacements in Altair NavOps 2023.2.

New Feature

Users can now create a copy of an appliance from an existing one, eliminating repetitive setup steps.

Appliance Improvements

  • Appliance owners are now granted elevated Admin roles, allowing them to view all running jobs. On Altair One NavOps Private appliances, Admin/Owners can promote other users to Admin, granting them access to view all jobs. Learn more here
  • Altair One NavOps appliances now automatically set their time zone based on deployment region. Ensure proper licensing for software operation post-deployment.

  • Altair One NavOps appliance pages now include application details alongside marketplace information.

  • Access UI of appliances now features backlinks to Altair One and Marketplace for improved navigation.

Tooltips for Appliance Options

Added tooltips for NavOps appliance actions including Start, Stop, Reconfigure, and Reinstall. These tooltips provide detailed information about each option for improved user guidance and understanding.

Enhanced User Role Access Sync

User roles now synchronize seamlessly between the Admin App and Altair One NavOps application. When a user's role is upgraded to Admin in the Admin App, access to Altair One NavOps is automatically enabled upon the user's next login to Altair One.

Request IDs Added

Deployments now include Request IDs for easier communication of capacity-related failures with Cloud Service Provider (CSP), especially for BYOC customers.

Improved Error Messages

Error messages in appliance activity have been refined to provide clearer explanations for failures due to capacity/quota issues or unavailable resources from CSP.