Available Application Operators

Listed below you will find the available operators:

Panopticon Streams Inputs

The Panopticon Streams engine allows the combination of multiple data sources and their definition as input channels. The data sources are referred to within the Panopticon Streams as inputs. The data produced by each input can be processed by one or more operators.

Panopticon Streams Outputs

An output produces and publishes streams towards a Kafka topic or a data consumer. A data consumer is the opposite of a data producer. It consumes the data produced from an output in Panopticon Streams and publishes the data to a data source.

Below is an example about how to create an input datasource, an output datasource and a simple application.

Panopticon Streams Operators

An operator is a single task responsible for processing the data and publishing it as an output. Currently, the Panopticon Streams supports the operators listed below. Detailed information about them can be found here.
The aggregation operator aggregates the data based on a grouping key and a set of aggregated fields.
The branch operator will split a stream into one or more branches. The path for a stream is determined by a configured predicate within the branch operator.
The calculation operation will calculate a field and add the result as an additional field. Usually, input fields pass through an operation, but calculations can also be set to replace existing fields or simply remove them.
The conflate operation is used to lower the frequency of updates. The conflate will retain the last records seen on the input and push them to the output stream on a fixed interval. For example, if the input is producing a high frequency data throughput, instead of processing all of these updates, a configured conflate will only push through a small set of records on a fixed interval.
External Input
Sources data directly from a Kafka topic.
Used to filter a data source based on a predicate.
Used to define the input data for the application model.
Used to join data sources using common keys.
Similar with a synthetic input, this operator acts as a single timestamp field schema generator.
Assign a rank number to records in the same group.
Takes a stream data and changes its key. The new key can be any subset of fields from the stream.
Given a record with array fields (must have the same length), the scatter operator will emit one record for each position in the array(s). This operator is similar with unpivot but on array positions instead of columns.
Aggregating on delta as a Table causes a change log, producing a single record. The Table to Stream operator morphs the single record back into stream.
An output produces and publishes streams towards a Kafka topic or a data consumer.
Used to perform a union of two streams. Both streams would need the same schema. Otherwise, the output would be the combination of both, with missing values returned as Null.
Python Transformation
A Python script can be executed as a data transformation step in the data pipeline.
REST Transformation
Takes an input data frame, executes a REST call, and interprets the result which gets passed upstream.
R Transform
An R script can be executed as a data transformation step in the data pipeline.
Each operator produces one or more output streams that can be connected and defined as input streams for other operators.

Detailed information about Stream Applications can be found here.