
In addition to the existing endpoints, new ones have been added. These endpoints are used to access a Thing regardless of the Category.

Endpoint Description
[POST] /spaces/{space}/things/{thing-id}/properties Create multiple Property values of a Thing
[GET] /spaces/{space}/things/{thing-id}/properties List multiple Property values of a Thing
[POST] /spaces/{space}/things/{thing-id}/properties/{property} Create a specific Property value of a Thing
[GET] /spaces/{space}/things/{thing-id}/properties/{property} Get a specific Property value of a Thing

Property History

A new feature has been added (replacing the data history feature of the previous implementation) called Properties-History. The historical values and date of the Things Properties will be saved each time the value of a thing property is updated. Past values can also be added to the history, in case there has been a disconnection, and we want to have that data recorded.

Note data retention will vary depending on your license.

Check Properties API for more details.


As mentioned above, Properties-History saves a new entry every time the value of a Property from a Thing has changed.

The following example shows the syntax of a history entry in the API:

  "at": "2023-06-15T16:49:00Z",
  "properties": {
    "memory": 27,
    "cpu": 44

Also, multiple timestamps can be indicated, as seen in the following example:

    "at": "2023-06-15T16:49:00Z",
    "properties": {
      "cpu": 43,
      "memory": 27,
      "disk": 19
    "at": "2023-06-15T16:54:00Z",
    "properties": {
      "cpu": 87,
      "memory": 69
    "at": "2023-06-15T16:59:00Z",
    "properties": {
      "disk": 17

Check Properties-history API for more details.