EndPoints and MQTT Credentials

Thing's Endpoints

In addition to the existing endpoints, new ones have been added. These endpoints are used to access a Thing regardless of the Category.

Endpoint Description
[POST] /spaces/{space}/things Create a new Thing
[GET] /spaces/{space}/things List the Things inside a Space
[DELETE] /spaces/{space}/things Delete multiple Things inside a Space
[GET] /spaces/{space}/things/{thing-id} Get the information of a specific Thing
[PUT] /spaces/{space}/things/{thing-id} Update a specific Thing
[DELETE] /spaces/{space}/things/{thing-id} Delete a specific Thing

Thing status endpoints are being deprecated. The status attribute, which returns the values of the Properties, is now accessible using the Things API.

Things MQTT Credentials

MQTT credentials have the same behaviour as in the old AnythingDB. To migrate your Space to the new AnythingDB, the existing credentials will be kept and no new credentials will have to be generated.

In addition to the existing endpoints, new ones have been added.

Endpoint Description
[POST] /spaces/{space}/categories/{category-name}/things/{thing-id}/mqtt-credentials Create MQTT credentials for a Thing inside a Category
[DELETE] /spaces/{space}/categories/{category-name}/things/{thing-id}/mqtt-credentials Delete MQTT credentials of a Thing inside a Category
[GET] /spaces/{space}/things/{thing-id}/mqtt-credentials Get MQTT credentials of a Thing regardless of the Category
[POST] /spaces/{space}things/{thing-id}/mqtt-credentials Create MQTT credentials for a Thing regardless of the Category
[PUT] /spaces/{space}/things/{thing-id}/mqtt-credentials Update MQTT credentials of a Thing regardless of the Category
[DELETE] /spaces/{space}/things/{thing-id}/mqtt-credentials Delete MQTT credentials of a Thing regardless of the Category

Check Things MQTT credentials for more details.