Pad to Net

Check a component pin clearance with various objects on design.

  • Test Component Definition: Select checking target components.
    • All: Target component will all on design.
    • Excluding Component: If you do not want to check for certain components from all components, define them by selecting from the component group list.
    • Component Group: If you want to select target components from the list, use this menu.
  • Checking
    • Target Layer Selection: Depending on layer selection, tables setting will be different. Table setting will affect Routing Pattern Clearance and Copper-Pour Clearance. For All Layers will be applicable to all layers. And using selection, For Individual Layer, you can individually set different clearance rules for top, bottom, or inner layer.
    • Routing Pattern Clearance
      • Set All Clearance: Assign all clearance values with given values.
      • To Same Net’s Routing Patterns: Set the clearance value between specifying type of the component pin pad and same net routing patterns.
      • To Other Net’s Routing Patterns: Set the clearance value between specifying type of the component pin pad and other net routing patterns.
      • To Routing Patterns: Set the clearance value between board figure via and routing pattern.
        Figure 1.

    • Copper-Pour Clearance
      • Target Net Name: Assign net name. PollEx DFM checks only copper-pours with specified net names. Multiple net names will be divided with a comma (,).
      • To Same Net’s Copper-Pour: Set the clearance value between specifying type of the component pin pad and same net copper-pour.
      • To Other Net’s Copper-Pour: Set the clearance value between specifying type of the component pin pad and other net copper-pour.
      • To Copper-Pour: Set the clearance value between board figure via and copper-pour.
        Figure 2.

    • In Same Net Checking, do not check for Pad Connected Net’s Segment: This option is a void-checking option. If you run this option, PollEx DFM does not check the same net pad connected net segment.
      Figure 3.

      In Figure 3, even though the result of measuring a and b violate the input condition, in a case, the net segment is directly connected to pad. So, only the b case will be fail. Checking target net segments will be parallel along pads side directions.
      Figure 4.

    • Do not check Net Segments under Pad Area: This is also a void-checking option for net segments passing through under pad area.
      Figure 5.

    • In Figure 5, checking a violates input condition. However, because the violating net segment is lying under the pad area, this will be passed in checking.
    • Exclude checking for NC pins connected to specific nets.
    • Exclude Checking for Dummy Pad Connected Net: This is another void-checking option for routing pattern, connected to dummy pad.
      Figure 6.

      • Dummy Pad Component: Set dummy pad component group.
      • Dummy Pad Attaching Component: Set dummy pad and connected component group.