
This command allows drawing a surface that goes through a set of points specified by the user.

Inline mode usage

surfaceInterpolation -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.
surfaceInterpolation–n <name> -p <u><v><x y z>
Draws a surface that passes through the points specified by the user, using interpolation.

Interactive mode usage

  • Number of points in u direction (default 3).
  • Number of points in v direction (default 3).
  • The points used for the interpolation. For each u coordinate, the user will be asked for the points corresponding to each v coordinate.


> surfaceInterpolation
Points in u direction [3]: 2
Points in v direction [3]: 3
Point [0][0] [x y z]: -1 -1 0
Point [0][1] [x y z]: -1 0 1
Point [0][2] [x y z]: -1 1 0
Point [1][0] [x y z]: 1 -1 0
Point [1][1] [x y z]: 1 0 1
Point [1][2] [x y z]: 1 1 0


Figure 1. Resulting surface using interpolation