Creates a closed object by sweeping the chosen surfaces in the direction of their normal vectors. This command is a simplified version of the extrudeSurface command as the extrusion direction is set to the normal vector of the surfaces.
Inline mode usage:
- extrudeNormal -h: Display a help message.
- extrudeNormal -n <name> -s <surface1> <surface2> ... -closeMode <mode> -d <distance>: Creates a object by sweeping the surfaces with names <surface1>, <surface2>, the close mode <mode> and the given distance <distance> along their corresponding normal vectors.
Interactive mode usage:
If the command is called with no arguments, the steps required to properly execute this command in interactive mode are the following:
- Select the surfaces to be extruded on screen (Press enter when done) It is possible to select more than one surface by holding the Ctrl key.
- Insert the extrusion distance (Press enter when done) The distance the surfaces will be swept.
- Select the close mode [1-None, 2-All, 3-Inner, 4-Outer, 5-Auto].
In the third parameter one of the following modes must be selected:
- None: Only the parallel layer is returned.
- All: Connects all edges of the surfaces. If the surfaces are connected it generates duplicate surfaces on the outer edges.
- Inner: Only connects the inner edges (holes) of the surfaces.
- Outer: Only connects the outer edges (bounds) of the surfaces.
- Auto: Study the topology and connect the naked edges. It is not recommended to use on curved surfaces with long extrusion distances because the parallel layer may not be well connected.