
This command scales only the two specified dimensions (X, Y, Z) of an object or objects by the same factor specified by the user.

Inline mode usage

scale2D -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.
scale2D–all –p <scaleFactor>
Scales all objects with a scale factor.
scale2D<name> –p <scaleFactor>
Scales one selected object with a scale factor.
scale2D–nolocal -all –p <scaleFactor>
Scales all objects with a scale factor, ignoring the reference plane to apply it.
scale2D–nolocal <name> –p <scaleFactor>
Scales one selected object with a scale factor, ignoring the reference plane to apply it.

Interactive mode usage

scale2D or scale2D -all
  • Objects to scale (when not using the all modifier). The objects can be selected by left-clicking on them in the geometry view (hold Ctrl for multiple selection) or by left-clicking on them in the tree view.
  • First Coordinate. One of the dimensions to be scaled. Only one of the values "x", "y" or "z" are allowed.
  • Second Coordinate. The other dimension to be scaled. Only one of the values "x", "y" or "z" (different of the first coordinate) are allowed.
  • Scale factor. Factors smaller than 1 decrease the size of the selected objects while factors greater than 1 magnify the objects.
  • By default, the selected objects will be scaled using the reference plane as reference. Optionally, the user can specify the -noLocal argument to ignore the reference plane when scaling.


We’re going to convert an ellipsoid into a sphere by using the scale2D command.

command> ellipsoid
Select center [x y z] 0 0 0
X radius [double] 1
Y radius [double] 0.5
Z radius [double] 0.5
command> scale2D
Select objects on screen (Press enter when done) 
Coordinate 1 {x|y|z} y
Coordinate 2 {x|y|z} z
Scale factor [double] 2


Figure 1. Scaled ellipsoid converted into a sphere by scaling it in two dimensions