
This command scales the three dimensions (X, Y, Z) of an object or objects by the three different scale factors for each dimension specified by the user.

Inline mode usage

scaleNonUniform -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.
scaleNonUniform –all –p <scaleFactorX>
scaleNonUniform <name> –p
<scaleFactorX> <scaleFactorY> <scaleFactorZ> Scales the dimensions of the selected object with the corresponding scale factors.
scaleNonUniform –nolocal -all –p
<scaleFactorX> <scaleFactorY> <scaleFactorZ> Scales the dimensions of all objects with the corresponding scale factor, ignoring the reference plane to apply it.
scaleNonUniform –nolocal <name> –p
<scaleFactorX> <scaleFactorY> <scaleFactorZ> Scales the dimensions of the selected object with the corresponding scale factors, ignoring the reference plane to apply it.

Interactive mode usage

scaleNonUniform or scaleNonUniform -all
  • Objects to scale (when not using the all modifier). The objects can be selected by left-clicking on them in the geometry view (hold Ctrl for multiple selection) or by left-clicking on them in the tree view.
  • X, Y and Z Scale factors. Factors smaller than 1 decrease the size of the selected objects while factors greater than 1 magnify the objects.
  • By default, the selected objects will be scaled using the reference plane as reference. Optionally, the user can specify the -noLocal argument to ignore the reference plane when scaling.


We’re going to convert an ellipsoid into a sphere by scaling each coordinate with a scale factor.

command> ellipsoid
Select center [x y z]: 0 0 0
X radius [double]: 5
Y radius [double]: 4
Z radius [double]: 2
command> scaleNonUniform
Select objects on screen (Press enter when done)
Scale factor for 'X' [double]: 0.2
Scale factor for 'Y' [double]: 0.25
Scale factor for 'Z' [double]: 0.5


Figure 1. Ellipsoid converted into a sphere by using a non-uniform scale