
This command allows the user to create a NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational Basis Spline) surface specifying its control points.

Inline mode usage

surface -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.
surface –n <name> -p <u> <v> <x y z>
Allows to create a NURBS surface.

Interactive mode usage

  • Number of points in the u direction.
  • Number of points in the v direction.
  • The control points of the surface. For each u coordinate, a point for each v coordinate will be asked. The points are specified by entering its Cartesian (x, y and z) components and a weight parameter that indicates how much that point will pull the surface into it. All these values need to be separated by a blank space.


Points in u direction [3]: 2
Points in v direction [3]: 3
Point [0][0] [x y z w]: 0 2 3 1
Point [0][1] [x y z w]: 2 2 3 0.7
Point [0][2] [x y z w]: 2 0 3 1
Point [1][0] [x y z w]: 0 2 0 1
Point [1][1] [x y z w]: 2 2 0 0.7
Point [1][2] [x y z w]: 2 0 0 1


Figure 1. Resulting NURBS surface