
The user can draw several points along the two parametric dimensions of a selected surface.

Inline mode usage

pointsFromSurface -h
Prints command usage.
pointsFromSurface –noTrim <name_surface> -p <n_points_U> <n_points_V>
Extract points from along a surface <name_surface>. The user needs to introduce the maximum number of points along the U-dimension and the V-dimension of the surface, not considering trimmed points.
pointsFromSurface <name_surface> -p <n_points_U> <n_points_V>
Extract points from along a surface <name_surface>. The user needs to introduce the maximum number of points along the U-dimension and the V-dimension in the valid region of the surface.

Interactive mode usage

  • Surface
  • Number of points along the U-dimension
  • Number of points along the V-dimension


For this example, one surface must be defined.

> pointsFromSurface
Select objects on screen (Press enter when done):
Number of points in U-dimension [integer] 20
Number of points in V-dimension [integer] 40


Figure 1. Extract points from a surface