Altair® Panopticon


Working with Workbook Internal Data Table Editor Layout

This data table editor accessed in a workbook allows you to quickly connect to any data source and combine data from multiple sources so you can visualize all your data in a single visualization.

Connecting to data environments is easy with pre-built connectors to a wide variety of sources right out of the box.

However, to get the most of these data and produce effective visualizations, they may need to be:

 Integrated with other data sources or files to produce a data with more sense.

q  Transformed for normalization and aggregation.


The Workbook Internal Data Table Editor layout is displayed as below, where in this example, there are joined data sources:



Workbook Internal Data Table Editor Sections and Definitions






Exit the Workbook Data Table Editor view and go to the Open Workbook in Design Mode view.


Data Table

List of data tables. Can be rearranged.



After the data is successfully retrieved, three options on the Workbook Data Table Editor layout allows:

·    Making a duplicate of the data table

·    Publishing the data table template

·    Deleting the data table


Search Columns

Allows searching of columns on the Data Sources Preview.


Data Preview

Executes the queries to return and display preview of the data table you are creating.

NOTE: the maximum number of rows displayed in the Data Preview is 100.



Add Data Table or Select Data Template

Add data table or select a data table template.


Data Table Parameters

Add or manage data table parameters.


Data Table Settings

Definition of the name of the selected data table, description, and the auto refresh period (in seconds). Also allows the retrieval of external aggregates and set custom message to be displayed upon unsuccessful data connection.


Group and Sort Columns

When the Column Order is set to Sorted, the columns are grouped by type (Text, Date/Time, then Numeric) and sorted alphabetically.


Data Sources

One or more data sources that can be connected to directly, with data retrieved on the fly as it is required. Can be rearranged.


Join/Union All Definition

Allows definition of a join or union all of multiple data sources.


Duplicate Data Source

Allows creating a duplicate data source


Add Data Source

Allows adding data sources from the available data connectors.


Connector Settings

Displays the connector settings of the data source and allows for limiting the amount of data to be returned.


Preview Selected Data Source

Preview the selected data source on the Data Preview panel.


Refresh Preview

Refresh the data sources preview.


Save Data Table

Save the data table definition and go to the Open Workbook in Design Mode view.


Row Limits Settings

Allows setting of the row limit of data sources.


Collapse Data Preview

Collapse the Data Preview pane. Click  to expand the Data Preview pane.




Most of these sections are also available in the Data Table Editor in the Data Library page.


Clicking Calculated Columns    displays the New Column list box.





Add Auto Key

Allows creation of an auto key for the data schema on the Data Sources Preview.

Add New Calculated Column

Allows creation of a calculated column from the existing columns in the data table.

Add New Ranking Column

Allows creation of a new numeric column based on the ranking of columns in your data.

Add New Time Bucket Column

Allows creation of time buckets (categorical time analysis).

Add New Numeric Bucket Column

Allows creation of Identity, Sign, Manual, Equal Density, and Equal Distance columns.

Add New Text Grouping

Allows creation of a grouping based on source text column.



Clicking Debug  displays the Debug pane.





Data Table Id

Id of the data table. Can be used for parsing of server logs.


Data table is used on dashboard(s)

List of dashboards where the data table is used. If a data table is not used, it can be deleted.


Data Log

Details of the execution meta data which includes the data source name, response time, and duration (ms).



Parameters in the data table.



Logs of the last query.

IMPORTANT: In Panopticon version 2023.0, query logging is only available for the Kx kdb+ connector.



Clicking Transform Settings    displays the Transform Settings pane.




Transform Settings

Allows you to perform the following:

·         Pivoting or unpivoting retrieved data.

·         Transforming data to enable time series analysis including interpolation.

·         Running an R or Python script for data transformation.

·         Lists of orders to be reconstructed into an Order Book and conflated for output display.



Clicking Columns   displays the Columns Settings pane.




Columns Settings

Allows you to perform the following:

·         View the column data type

·         Rename the column names

·         Select the numeric or Date/Time format

·         Select the numeric default aggregation

·         Define the Min and Max range of numeric columns

·         Define custom sort order