Altair® Panopticon


Working with Data Sources

Panopticon Real Time can connect to a number of disparate source repositories, including files, databases, and message buses. Although the process of retrieving a data table is similar, connectors may have different user interfaces.

Data connectivity to third-party products is based on general available versions. Typically, new versions are supported within one calendar year of release, although the timing of including the new version in support is dependent on customer demand. New versions of popular data sources within our customer base are generally supported quickly after general availability.

Data is retrieved into Panopticon Real Time and converted into three data types:

q  Number (Double)

q  Text (Unicode)

q  Timestamp (Nanosecond accuracy)


Date type conversion is specific to each data connector, and ODBC/JDBC driver for Database sources. However typical data type mappings are as follows:

q  Boolean  à Text

q  Integer à Number

q  Date à Timestamp

q  Date/Time à Timestamp

q  Time à Timestamp

q  GUID à Text


Sources must support Unicode to be able to retrieve Unicode-based text.



For streaming connectors, there are two settings that need to be considered:

·           Real Time Limit

This is the period how often Panopticon Real Time in-memory table is updated.

·           Auto Refresh

This is the period how often a client (i.e., Web/WPF) receives data from Panopticon Real Time.


Connecting to data sources may require entering your login credentials.  To avoid saving this information in your workbooks, it is recommended to parameterize these connection settings. Refer to Parameterization of Connection Settings for Data Sources for more information.