Premium Access to AMDC allows you to leverage advanced search using multiple search criteria, compare materials, and
view curve data. You can also download CAE material data in the required units to your workstation.
Launch the application to access the Altair material data. You can customize and launch the application from Favorite
Apps, on the Altair One Home page.
View information such as material name, quality, type, provider, version, chemical composition of a material, material
test information, and detailed material properties.
The material properties data such as Fatigue Properties, Mechanical Properties is displayed. The tested data for these
properties is also displayed as supplied by the provider.
Many materials have multi point data associated with them (For example, stress-strain data or PVT data for molding
applications). Such data can be viewed as a plots in AMDC.
Visualize the correlation and interdependency between two properties data. The independent property data is plotted
on X-axis while the dependent property data is plotted in Y-axis.
Advanced Search allows you to build a search query by combining multiple search criteria. Use filters to find properties
and define value ranges. You can also add filters such as availability of plots, certifications or regional availability
to quickly find relevant materials.
Many materials have multi point data associated with them (For example, stress-strain data or PVT data for molding
applications). Such data can be viewed as a plots in AMDC.
Visualize the correlation and interdependency between two properties data. The independent property data is plotted
on X-axis while the dependent property data is plotted in Y-axis.
Visualize the correlation and interdependency between two properties data. The
independent property data is plotted on X-axis while the dependent property data is plotted
in Y-axis.
Using Scatter Plot we can understand the correlation between the material
properties. The relationship between the properties is positivie when the dots rise
upwards, when the dots slope downward then it is negative, or when the dots are plotted
everywhere then it is null.
Select the material type for which you wish to view the Scatter Plot.
In the following example, Optistruct material databse is selected and
Click Scatter Plot.
Figure 1. Scatter Plot on Action Ribbon
The Scatter Plot panel is displayed.
Select the X and Y properties for which you wish to plot.
Figure 2. Select Properties
Click Plot.
The Scatter plot for the selected materials is displayed. The dot
displaying the correlation of the material properties. Figure 3. Scatter Plot
Drag a rectangle on the plot area to zoom in to plotted area.
Figure 4. Zoom in
Hover over the plot area to view chart options such as zoom in, zoom
out, auto scale to original plot view, reset axes, and export it as a PDF