Project Parameters: General Tab
- Determination of Indoor Pixels
- This option determines the indoor pixels within the area of interest and stores this information in the pre-processing file. Herewith an acceleration of the afterwards predictions within ProMan is achieved.
- Pre-processing for Combined Network Planning (CNP)
- The CNP approach allows combining urban and indoor building databases which require a specific pre-processing.
- Relative Building Height: Elevation Data
- Generates a separate file representing the building heights in terms of a height matrix.
- Absolute Building Height: Elevation Data
- Generates a separate file representing the building plus terrain heights in terms of a height matrix.
- Morpho/Clutter Data
- Generates a separate file representing the building information in terms of a clutter database (either building / no building or depending on height interval an integer describing the number of floors). This file can be used for detailed traffic modeling (for example, higher number of users in taller buildings) with respect to capacity dimensioning.
- Generate Logfile during Preprocessing
- This option generates a log file that contains the same output as the pre-processing progress box.